EXB Ausgabe 172 Juni 2018
  • EXB Ausgabe 172 Juni 2018

EXB Ausgabe 172 Juni 2018

3,90 €

Is Germany seeing a new wave of antisemitism "imported" by Muslim immigrants, as some have been claiming? Exberliner investigates what is really going on behind the reaction to the recent Prenzlauer Berg "kippa attack". Plus: from Schöneberg squabbles between rappers and sex workers to cops on Berlin's number one hotspot – Alexanderplatz – Exberliner takes a look at crime in the city. Would you call yourself a law-abiding Berliner? We've got the test for that. Plus: Exberliner turns 16 with Dena and King Ayisoba @ Torstraßen Festival on June 9! And much, much more...

KIPPA YOUR HANDS OFF How the media turned a kippa attack into a debate about Muslims

MUSLIMS VS. JEWS? Historian Wolfgang Benz on why Islam isn’t the problem

BERLINTEGRATION TEST Take our “spot the crime” quiz

SCHÖNEBERG TURF WARS Local rappers are fed up with sprawling prostitution in their neighbourhood

THE FUZZ ON ALEX An afternoon with the police in Berlin’s most crime-ridden area

Also in this issue...

PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL Britney, homeopathy, and Dadaism: Berlin's most diverse theatre celebration

AGNÈS VARDA The celebrated French director discusses her latest film, Faces Places

NICO HOLONICS The actor speaks to Exberliner about his new English-language rendition of The Tin Drum

SAVE BERLIN Dan Borden explores buildings with sordid histories in the East

BEST OF BERLIN A femme workspace, guilt-free beer, garbage golf and Berlin by app

BERLIN BITES The bad boy of vegan cuisine and try-hard Berlin grub

...And much, much more!