Sonderausgabe 2020
  • Sonderausgabe 2020

Sonderausgabe 2020

10,90 €

EXB is back on the magazine rack – with a bang! Our one-off special solidarity edition brings together more than 25 diverse and unique perspectives on life beyond Corona: Lars Eidinger told us why he doesn't want to go back to normal after the pandemic, international art star Alicja Kwade chats to her brother about running an art factory during a pandemic, Paul B. Preciado examines Corona body politics and much, much more. Also: original artwork by Berlin's own Jim Avignon and Alex Bodea as well as photography by Miron Zownir and Nino Pušija.

LARS EIDINGER – “Why should we go back to normal?”

PAUL MASON – “Maybe it will all be okay.”

ALICJA & MARTIN KWADE – The big artist and her big brother in conversation

DJ ND_B AUMECKER – “Club culture is being reborn.”

TADZIO MÜLLER – “ Sex can be politically transformative.”

HENDRIK STREECK – “We need to allow for infections to happen.”

Also in this issue...

ALEXANDER OCHS – “Now is the time to be political.”

SHERMIN LANGHOFF – “We can't let culture become exclusive!”

YONY LEYSER & KARIM AINOUZ – Filmmakers discuss politics

JAKE APPELBAUM – “Take your phone and smash it!”

HELGE HEIDEMEYER – “Drones would've been perfect for the GDR.”

JOHANN KÖNIG & TANJA WAGNER – Two gallerists talk shop

…And much, much more!