EXB Ausgabe 122 Dezember 2013
  • EXB Ausgabe 122 Dezember 2013

EXB Ausgabe 122 Dezember 2013

2,90 €

Inside this month's issue: How to get your book published, the must-knows of the publishing scene and why Germany is so book-friendly – there's something for reader and writer alike! On newsstands and in our web shop now! Inside you'll find:

PUBLISHING HEROES From the literary agent to the translator to the networker extraordinaire, meet six Berliners who shape the city's international lit scene.

GETTING THAT FIRST BERLIN NOVEL PUBLISHED The DIY way, the traditional way or the e-way? A group of (Isher)wood-be writers explain how they did it.

THE PRICE OF A BOOK How a 125-year-old pricing agreement is keeping Berlin's indie bookshops and publishers in business.

NICHE BOOKSHOPS: OUR GUIDE Looking for the perfect present for that techno lover, comic nerd, left-wing radical or Krimi freak in your life? Look no further!

BEST OF BERLIN A user-friendly record store, a Russian-style sauna, beautiful antique jewellery and a not-so-Marxist club.

BERLIN BITES Two new vegan paradises (Goura Pakora and Fast Rabbit) and three kinds of sausage for the bloodthirsty.

Also in this issue:

PUSSY VS. PUTIN The hot-button Pussy Riot documentary is finally coming to Berlin on December 11. We spoke to the two Moscow video artists who shot the film about their history with the band and the dangers of living in Russia today.

MARDI GRAS.BB Singer-guitarist Jochen "Doc" Wenz is leaving the Mannheim-cum-New Orleans band after 21 years. His farewell tour hits Berlin on Wed, Dec 11 at Lido.

MARGARET CHO On Mon, Dec 9, the comedienne, actress and LGBT actress hits Berlin as part of her "Mother" tour.

Plus all the latest in film, music, art, stage, events, fashion and much more!