EXB Ausgabe 130 September 2014
  • EXB Ausgabe 130 September 2014

EXB Ausgabe 130 September 2014

2,90 €

Inside this month's issue: Snowden in Berlin! The digital rebellion is on our doorstep – are you ready to join the fight? We talk to the whistleblowers, cypherpunks and hacktivists living in Berlin, and give you the tools you need to take back your privacy.

JACOB APPELBAUM The poster boy for the post-Snowden era (and confidant of the whistleblower himself) on being watched and why WikiLeaks is more important than ever.

LEAKED BUT LOCKED UP Is it time to open the Snowden files?

SNOWDEN'S DEFENDER Can't Snowden find asylum in Berlin? EU lawyer Wolfgang Kaleck on why it didn't happen

WHERE THE SPIES ARE A map to Berlin's surveillance hotspots

AMERICA'S LAPDOG How the German intelligence agency does the NSA's dirty work

STASI TO NSA...AND BACK? Stasi expert Hubertus Knabe on Germany's surveillance history

CONFESSIONS OF AN MI5 WHISTLEBLOWER Exiled spy Annie Machon tells her story

GERMANY'S SHOULD-BE HEROES Workplace whistleblowers fight for their rights

BIG BROTHER IN BERLIN Who's spying on us and how

ENCRYPTION FOR EVERYONE From email to files to browsing, seven tools you should be using

Also in this issue:

BEST OF BERLIN A hometown hot sauce, a Neukölln bar in Moabit, a '90s flashback store and a cafe for 3D selfies

BERLIN BITES Un-kosher Jewish food at Masel Topf, French for Germans at Oui, Madame, and tasty new vegan chocolate

MICHAEL OBERT The Berlin-based documentarist on his riveting debut Song From The Forest

DIGITALISM The Hamburg techno duo play the newly scaled-down Berlin Festival the weekend of Sep 5-7

FALLEN Summer's last open-air theatre show examines random acts of male violence on a stage made of sand

ALEXANDER DUVE The gallerist hosts one of Berlin Art Week's most anticipated shows – catch it on Sep 12

Plus all the latest in film, music, art, stage, events, fashion and much more!